Sunday, January 8, 2012

Peeta! Peeta! Peeta!

Peter has become a favorite since joining my family; especially with these two cute little girls!

Lyla is a bit of a daredevil and loves it when she gets to stand on Peter's hand, climb up him and when he throws her in the air.

Cornbelly's October 2010

We went to Cornbelly's for one of our dates in October and we had a blast. There was a ton of stuff to do. Sadly, the corn maze was probably my least favorite part. Mostly, because I don't know how to follow a map and just wanted to get out of there!

We didn't go this year, but it's one we definitely need to go back to in the future.

Peter's 28th Birthday

Peter got quite the birthday treatment. We celebrated for three days straight. I took the day off work on Friday, the day before his birthday, and we went out to the Great Salt Lake. We had a picnic lunch, walked around a bit and dreamed about having a sail boat someday.

On Saturday, I got him all of his favorite treats.

And then on Sunday, we went over to my parent's house and celebrated with my family. With lots of help from cute little girls!!

Grizzlie's Game-March 2011

Part of my Valentine's gift to Peter was tickets to a Grizzlie's game. He really likes hockey and our first date was to a BYU vs USU hockey game. We had a good time, even though we couldn't quite embrace the weird hockey environment, ie. yelling "And they still suck!" when the other team is back to full strength after a power play and waving to the other fans at the end of the second period. Strange. Also, I'm pretty sure we were the only sober people there, so we made sure to get out quickly so as to avoid all the drunk drivers....

Las Vegas Trip

In March 2010, Peter and I went on a road trip to Las Vegas with a bunch of friends. We stayed at Eric's parent's amazing house and had such a great time. Eric's dad is a big hunter and has a lot of stuffed animals. 
Most of the group-not sure where Scott is...Maybe taking the picture?
Peter in the animal room
With a rhino!!
We went swimming in their pool, watched March madness and even went shooting. I should say that Peter went shooting with the others. I was happy to watch from a safe distance. Guns aren't really my thing.

The highlight was my Valentine's Day gift from Peter: The Lion King!! We went to the show while everyone else went to Caesar's Palace and saw other things on the strip. We had a great time. It was strange to go to a Broadway show where people were in t-shirts and jeans. We were a little overdressed. The atmosphere wasn't nearly as fun as New York, but it was still fun to experience it with Peter. After the show, we decided to walk down the strip to meet everyone because we wanted to see it and have that experience. Turns out the MGM is at the complete opposite side of the strip as Caesar's Palace, so it took us quite a while to walk down the strip. I still think everyone should experience it, but there is no need for it more than once. It was quite shocking. We had a great time with our friends!

Flash back to dating time

These are just some random pictures that I can't really devote their own post to, so here they are.
All I can remember about these glasses is that Abby wanted everyone to wear them, so we did. And I know that there's a really awesome picture of my dad in them somewhere....
Believe it or not, these are actually not my sunglasses, but Shannon's. After all three of us girls working there, we have made quite a collection. Peter may not want to pay for nice sunglasses, but he sure does enjoy wearing his, and apparently, white girl ones, too.
We went with Derrick to pick up his new car and this tent trailer was in the parking lot. It brought back childhood memories for Peter. And, it was obviously early in the morning....
We went to Nick and Kim's wedding and this picture is at their luncheon. They were the first of Peter's roommates from 91 to get married and now, after a year and half, there is only one still single!

This is us registering at Target. Peter really loved using the little gun because they don't let you register in the store at Walmart. Too bad I unregistered everything from Target, but the pictures are fun!
Temple Square with Peter's roommates, and, consequently, mine!

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Wedding Day

We were lucky enough to have all of my siblings and almost all of Peter's family (missed you Nikki and kiddos!) at our wedding. We were both missing a roommate or two, more in Peter's case if you go back years and years...., but we were so glad to have our friends there!
My roommates, minus Jess and plus Sista
Peter's roommates, minus Scott
We got sealed at 10:45, and like I said in the last post, it was a beautiful day. Pretty much the only thing I remember that the sealer said was to study the scriptures together. I just remember smiling a lot and looking at Peter and thinking how happy I was and how lucky I was, and still am!
I mean, look at that face... Plus, Nick, Kim and Braden all look cute, too.
I'm pretty sure Peter is watching me hug Kate...
We had our luncheon at the Canterbury Inn and it turned out great. The food was really yummy and we had all our friends and family there to support us. Shannon and Krista sang, "I Will Never Leave You" and it was beautiful.
The head table
Sista and Shannon singing
After the lunch ended, we headed off to our own little house!! We stayed our first night there and then headed up to Park City to spend a night at a really nice hotel. I should have taken pictures, but it had an amazing kitchen and living room with a huge bedroom and bathroom. It even had a hot tub on the balcony. We walked around down town Park City and had fun relaxing together.