Thursday, December 20, 2012

One point for public transportation

Since moving to Salt Lake, I have become very familiar with public transportation. It has provided some of the funniest, scariest ie. when a man was foaming at the mouth and no one was doing anything about it, sketchiest experiences of my life thus far. 

I rode trax to work for a few months and walked about 6 blocks in the snow to get to and from the mall. 

I rode the bus up to school for a few months before losing faith in the fact that the bus would actually come as scheduled. 

This semester I had taken to driving to 9th East and taking the trax from there. It reduces my travel time by about an hour each way and my headaches by half. Cigarette smoke doesn't exactly agree with me.

But, since it is winter and Peter can't ride his motorcycle to work anymore, I am back to relying solely on public transportation.

Three days ago, Peter dropped me off at work at 6:30 am in 24 degree weather. I had to ride the bus home at 2:30 pm. I walked a block over and waited for a few minutes. All went according to plan until my transfer point. I waited for about 45 minutes for my bus that never came. Apparently its route changed and I was unaware. Lucky for me, I am not a newbie to public transportation, so I knew what to do so I could still get home, but adding 45 minutes to an already ridiculously long route home from only 4.1 miles from my house.

My faith in public transit was partially restored today as I went from my house to IMC with no glitches to speak of. I had knots in my stomach as I waited for the bus, trying to decide what I would do if it didn't show up, or if it was late, because I only 7 minutes to transfer from the bus to trax, and if I didn't catch that trax, I would be late, which would obviously be the end of the world. I'm not a worrier at all.... 

It still took me about an hour and a half to go 10.8 miles, but at least I got there! 


  1. yikes!!!! I'm so sorry that public transportation has been so disappointing for you! when I lived in sugarhouse, my buses were always on time! ...oh wait, sugarhouse, not rose park... haha! hopefully you do not have more waiting in 24 degree weather ahead of you!!! :( we should get you two another vehicle... (as in a winter one, that both of you can use...)

    1. My bus from Rose Park was on time, it was downtown at my transfer that took forever! And, a new car is on its way soon....
