Monday, May 13, 2013


I can hardly believe it, but I really did it. I graduated from college. Being a college graduate is a goal I've had for as long as I can remember and it feels strange to check that off the list.

It's interesting to look back on my college career and see all the changes that took place along the way.
I attended BYU, SLCC and the University of Utah as a college student, but I have credits from Weber and Utah State that I earned in high school.
I had 3 different declared majors: Broadcast Journalism, Athletic Training, and finally, Nursing.

It's funny how life all works out as I had decided I wanted to be a neo-natal nurse from about 7th grade on. Let it be known that I had no idea what that even was, but here I am, able to start my career as a NICU nurse. 

 Love these girls. We became friends right off. Melissa, Jessica, Becca and me.
 But, I love this guy even more. 
 Our whole class.
 Adding Mikyla, Liana and Austin. The front rowers just in front of us.

And, the parents. Love these guys. I'm so grateful they taught me to value education.