Sunday, May 27, 2012

That one time when Peter got a new job

Praise the heavens!
Thank goodness!
{Insert any joyous exclamation you please!}

Peter got a new job!
Which means: no more driving an hour to and from work
                     Monday through Friday, 9-5
                     no more driving an hour to and from work
                     engineering work
                     no more driving an hour to and from work

I am pretty excited about all the money and time we are going to save because Peter's new job is only 12 minutes away. Not to mention we now have our Saturdays back, to do all sorts of normal Saturday things on, like yard and house work. Oh the little things. 

He is going to be working at Specialty Lens Corporation and it is 8 miles from our house. It is still not our ideal and we will be looking to keep moving up, but it is definitely a step in the right direction. 

I should probably mention that Peter might be most excited about the fact that he won't be working with a bunch of girls and the drama will be much less while working with other analyticals like himself. 

Oh, and he'll be getting paid more, but that really is so low on the happy list. We are, however, grateful for that, too.

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