Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How I became a runner

I've always kind of run.
Playing soccer for years sort of automatically signs you up for it.
But, it wasn't until just recently that I have really enjoyed running.

Before, when I would run it was simply so that I could eat whatever I wanted without gaining weight, which is still a plus, but is no longer the main motivation behind it. Now, I go because I love the way I feel after I run. I love the feeling of accomplishment after I've completed a long, hot run. I love that I know now that I can do hard things.

Equal to those benefits is the quality conversation. I run with a good friend, Andrae, and I really look forward to talking with her. She is the Stake Primary President, has two kids and her husband is applying to Physician Assistant school, so we never tire of things to talk about. Running is the one truly social part of my day and it is good for my soul to get out and do something active while also chatting.

1 comment:

  1. Weird that we have both become runners recently. It's a very good way to vent, I think. Jenny is my Andrae.
