Sunday, March 4, 2012

Growing Up

There are a lot of great things about growing up, ie. living with your best friend, staying up as late as you want (although, this now is only about 10 pm on a late night), choosing what you want to do for the rest of your life, etc.

Hands down, the WORST thing about growing up is doing bills. I just spent the last hour inputing receipts into our budget. Life sure is expensive. 

Last month, we spent over $200 on gas. I guess that's what we get for living is Salt Lake and having Peter work in Ogden.

The saddest part, though is that we only spent $11.28 on entertainment/eating out.

Welcome to real life.

1 comment:

  1. you guys should have bought a prius!
    and heck, 11 bucks on entertainment/eating out is amazing. teach me your ways!
